The decision of the Council of TashVZITI on the creation of a scientific and practical journal on medicine and pharmaceuticals
The decision of the Council of TashVZITI on the creation of a scientific and practical journal on medicine and pharmaceuticals

Nov. 12, 2021, 7:14 p.m.

The decision of the Council of TashVZITI on the creation of a scientific and practical journal on medicine and pharmaceuticals

The scientific and practical journal "Pharmacy, immunity and vaccines" is a printed journal that publishes practical articles in the field of medicine, pharmacy, vaccines and serums, biologically active additives (BFC). The journal is published in Uzbek, Russian and English 4 times a year on the official website of the Institute through the official domain of the journal. Today, scientific and practical electronic journals are widely introduced in leading foreign universities. With the formation of an informed society, the proportion of website-based media on public telecommunications networks is growing. The widespread adoption of this type of publication will not only increase the speed of delivery of information, but also lead to more efficient use of paper. On June 2, 2021, the mass media of the Republic of Uzbekistan are registered in the state register with certificate number 1194. One of the main tasks of the scientific and practical journal is to acquaint young scientists, senior researchers, independent researchers with the results of authoritative scientific work of leading scientists and practitioners of the republic and inform the public about innovative achievements country. in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

The address of the journal on the Internet is called "www ............. uz".



2. Deadlines for submission of articles.


1. The subject of scientific articles must correspond to any of the directions given in the "Sections" section of the scientific-practical journal "Pharmacy, Immunity and Vaccines".

2. The article must be submitted in electronic and paper form and signed by the author. You can download the requirements for the text of the article.

3. Articles can be submitted in Uzbek, Russian or English.

4. The problem posed in the article is clearly worked out, the topic should be theoretically and methodologically sound; should be based on the reliability of the sources provided. The author's approach to the problem, the main results, conclusions and recommendations should be concise and understandable.

5. The letters ө, ғ, q, h in the Uzbek language must be written in full in the text of the scientific article. Otherwise, the scientific article will not be considered by the editorial board.

6. The article is adopted together with the conclusion of the certificate of examination of the organization in the relevant discipline. However, the editorial board can send the article for additional reviewing and, based on the results of the review, make an appropriate decision on the issue of publishing the article.

7. Articles that do not meet the specified requirements are not considered by the editorial board.



3. Requirements of the scientific and practical journal "Pharmacy, immunity and vaccines".

The scientific and practical journal "Pharmacy, Immunity and Vaccines" is a journal that publishes practical articles on pharmaceuticals and medicine.

The journal is updated and published in Uzbek, Russian and English languages ​​4 times a year on the official website of the Institute through the official domain of the journal.

Requirements for scientific articles:

• The order of writing articles in Uzbek _____

• The order of writing articles in Russian and English ______

o Electronic version and hard copies will be sent to the editorial office.

o Full information about the author must be provided along with the text of the article.

 Surname, name, surname

 Place of work (university, department name)

 Position, academic degree, title

 Phone numbers

o Brief abstract of the article should be in two languages ​​(Uzbek, English) and in two languages ​​(Russian, English) basic words and phrases.


Articles are submitted to the deputy chairman of the editorial board, editor-in-chief or executive secretary of the journal.

Tashkent city, Yunusabad district, Ch. Aytmatov street, 37


4. Editorial management


Founder: Tashkent Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums.


Chief Editor

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor



Executive Secretary of the Journal

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor


c.p.s. A.A. Ashurov -

prof. Makhmudzhanova K. S. -

Prof. GULYAMOV N ....-


Prof. E.H. ESHBOEV -



Prof. Ignatov E ...-

prof. OLIMOV N.O. -

d.p.s. SHARIPOVA I.SH. -

c.p.s FOZILZHONOVA M.Sh. (masul kotib),

prof. QAMBAROV Kh.D.-



Prof. DAVRONOV Q...-


prof. S. D. AMINOV -

d.m.s. A.A. SUYAROV -

d.p.s., prof. FLISYUK E.V. (St. Petersburg),

prof. DATKHAEV U.M. (Kozogiston),

Prof. Z.B. SAKIPOVA (Kozogiston),

Prof. I. I. BARANOVA (Ukraine),